Crumbs Collection


Discover boundless creativity with Premium Crumbs – individual, feature-rich components from my templates. Without the need to purchase an entire template, Blocs Premium Crumbs allow you to select precisely the elements you require. These versatile building blocs come as site templates and are fully customizable in font and color to suit your unique needs. With Premium Crumbs, integrating captivating effects into your website with Blocs has never been easier. Elevate your web designs to the next level – with Premium Crumbs Collection.

Each Crumb can be customized just the way you want. You’re free to change colors and fonts. These Crumbs come as site templates and can be completely personalized to match what you like.

You’ll receive these 4 preconfigured blocs:

Image Hover

Sliding Tiles

Sidebar Navigation

Hero Zooming

You will get the following files:
1 BEX (2MB), 1 BEX (2MB), 1 BEX (4MB), 1 BEX (2MB)

For all Blocs Premium Crumbs, visit Premium Crumbs

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Product details

  • Blocs 5 Minimum
  • 13th May 2024
  • Bootstrap 5
  • 16th May 2024
  • 1.0
Buy Crumbs Collection€29.90 Live Preview View
Blocs Premium

Blocs Developer

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Last Seen: 39 Days Ago

Location: Germany