Find and Replace

Finds and replaces words and phrases on a Blocs page.
  • Add and remove copyright and trademark symbols.
  • Adding words or phrases to your content with the option to revert to the original very easily.
  • Use FAR to highlight instances of a word or phrase for review and editorial purposes.
  • Highlight certain words for your audience.

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MrZaKaRiA 11/7/2019

How does this work?

Whittfield 10/08/19

Hi MrZaKaRiA! Product details and a list of Frequently Asked Questions:

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Product details

  • Blocs 3 Minimum
  • 30th March 2019
  • Bootstrap 4
  • 8th April 2024
  • 1.2
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Member for 5 years

Last Seen: Unknown