Iconic Gallery

Dynamic galleries for your iconic photos

Iconic Gallery allows you to display photos located in a folder on your server or iCloud photo album in a modern gallery grid and lightbox combination.


Update your photo galleries without opening Blocs, just change the photos on your server on in a iCloud photo album
Automatically generate thumbnail images for faster image grid loading times
Choose between several grid, carousel and lightbox options, see tutorial and online demo for more information
Preview photo galleries inside Blocs preview
Supports JPEP, WEBP, PNG and GIF files
Works together perfectly with Repository Manager (optional)

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Product details

  • Blocs 5 Minimum
  • 28th December 2022
  • Bootstrap 5
  • PHP 8 Minimum
  • 5th December 2023
  • 1.0.0
Buy Iconic Gallery49€ Live Preview View

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