Image with Text

This handy little Bric makes it super quick and easy to add images that have text overlays on them.

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mhdj14 28/12/2021

Any chance you could add the option for text rotation? It would be awesome if the text could rotate 45 degrees in both directions.

Scott 22/8/2020

Needs simple options for text placement and would really like to see an option for checkbox add/remove Image caption below the image.

Joanna Gruca - Rive 8/6/2020

is there a way to justifie a text to right hand site as well as change the inteline distance?

Tom 25/4/2019

This Bric is really nice, but I would like to see some more option to the text.

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Product details

  • Blocs 4 Minimum
  • 10th March 2019
  • Bootstrap 4 & 5
  • 1st February 2023
  • 1.0.2
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