Offcanvas Helper assists you in making an amazing and beautiful sidebar or mega menu. Brics and blocs come together seamlessly to give you full access to the design canvas and features of Blocs. Your creativity sets the limit of what is possible.
Offcanvas Helper is great for the non-coder and coder alike, we have made some tutorials to help get you started, from the basics to the more advanced. These complimentry tutorials will also teach you skills that can be applied to other aspects of your website building.
And with Offcanvas being native Bootstrap 5, all the background magic happens with pure javascript, so no need to add dependancies like jQuery to your export project.
Awesome, thank you Ralf for your feedback.
Trusted Seller Blocs Developer
Last Seen: 16 Days Ago
Location: New Zealand
Blocs Premium 29/11/2022
Great. I love it. It is easy to use. Perfect.