Page Transition

Add stylish and minimalistic page transitions to your Blocs website with this easy to use Bric. Simply add to a page and then customise the transition colour, style and timing attributes.

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x10 Transition Styles
  • Fade
  • Fade Up
  • Fade Down
  • Fade Left
  • Fade Right
  • Shrink X
  • Shrink Y
  • Shrink Circle
  • Split X
  • Split Y
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Edmund Cichocki 27/11/2020

Will this work, if you click on a button link and it goes to another web address instead of just in the same blocs web page?

Jay 8/9/2020

I purchased this and where can I find the download?

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Product details

  • Blocs 3 Minimum
  • 18th March 2019
  • Bootstrap 4
  • 28th November 2023
  • 1.0.0
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