
Player is a responsive media player, with support for unlimited number of audio and video tracks. By default Player is responsive, but a maximum width can also be used as option.

Player supports the new File Attachment of Blocs, making for easy linking of media files within the project. Media files hosted on external servers are also supported.

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vijayaraj suyambu 7/12/2021

unable to buy this blocs from all of your website.

Archetypon 08/02/22

Here's a direct buy link:

Alexandraedin 3/5/2021

Yess !! Why is the "speaker" button of the "play button" missing? In addition, there is more way to download his file Buy beforehand buttons lacks no upgrade The silent support ... I want to be shuffled !!

Archetypon 25/05/21

For support please send a message to


I'm using a "player" Why is the "speaker" button of the "play button" missing?. Take a look.

Archetypon 25/05/21

For support please send a message to

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Product details

  • Blocs 3 Minimum
  • 3rd April 2019
  • Bootstrap 4
  • 29th March 2024
  • 1.1.1
Buy Player€30 Live Preview View

Blocs Developer

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Last Seen: 34 Days Ago

Location: Brazil