Quicklink for Blocs


Quicklink from Google Labs

Unearthed from the depths of Google Labs, Quicklink is your secret ingredient to transform website speed from sluggish to lightning-fast. Now seamlessly integrated with Blocs, deploying this innovative feature requires zero coding effort. Experience instant setup and a phenomenal boost in site performance, straight out of the box.

How Quicklink Works – A Peek Behind the Curtain

At its core, Quicklink is a silent observer, that works in three simple steps:

Observation: Quicklink keeps an eye on which links are currently visible on the webpage as a user scrolls.

Proactive: Quicklink proactively fetches the content for all the links it sees. It does this quietly in the background, choosing moments when it won’t slow down the user’s current activities.

Ready: By the time a user decides to click on a link, Quicklink has already fetched the content for that link. The result? Pages load significantly faster, almost as if Quicklink knew where the user would click next, but really, it’s just been preparing all along.

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Product details

  • Blocs 5 Minimum
  • 14th March 2024
  • Bootstrap 4 & 5
  • 19th March 2024
  • 1.0.0
Buy Quicklink for Blocs$14
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