Blocs Library


Introducing the Fastest Way to Make Sites in Blocs



Create modern websites using over a thousand pre-designed custom sections that are available in either unstyled, dark, or light-themed designs. Easily modify global styles, colors, and typography with just a few clicks.

Release Notes

Version 1.0 alpha
– Initial private release of the first alpha version

Version 1.0 beta
– Initial public release with 850+ sections

Version 1.1 beta
– 39 new Feature sections
– 27 new Hero sections
– 18 new Navigation sections
– 18 new Pricing sections
– 12 new Gallery sections
– 100+ improvements to existing sections
– 100s of tags added

Version 1.2 beta
– 90 new Feature sections
– 200+ improvements to existing sections
– Rebuilt Footer sections to fix missing layers bug
– 100s of tags added
– 100s of layers named

Version 1.3
– Added preview pages for all individual sections
– Added the new Guide page
– Added the new Updates page
– Applied Bootstrap Dark and Light themes to all sections
– Fixed issues with button active and focus states
– Optimized custom classes
– Improved mobile optimization of many sections

Version 1.4
– Added 30 new Footer sections
– Added 3 new Home page templates
– Added 3 new About page templates
– Added 3 new Contact page templates
– Added 3 new Features page templates
– Added 3 new Pricing page templates
– Added 404 page template
– 150+ small improvements

Version 1.5
– Added new CMS section category
– Added 66 Blog List sections
– Added 24 Blog Post sections
– Added 18 Blog Related sections
– Small improvements

Version 1.6
– Added new Specials section category
– Added 39 404 Error sections
– Fixed horizontal scrolling sections
– 50+ small improvements

Version 1.7
– Added 69 new Event type FEATURE sections
– 120 sections updated to better support of global styling
(global radius, colors, etc)
– Implemented the new horizontal scrolling (requires Blocs 5.2)
– Lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 1.8
– Fixed overflow issue with animated scroll sections
– Added 30 horizontally scrolling Testimonial sections
– Added 3 horizontally scrolling Feature sections
– Many small fixes and improvements
– Started laying down the foundation for the next major version
   (Version 2.0, to be released in 2024)

Version 1.9
– Added small improvements to sections with horizontal scrolling
– Added 42 new Contact sections
– Improved existing Form sections
– Renamed existing Form sections to Contact
– Continued to lay down the foundation for the next major version
(Version 2.0, to be released in the summer 2024)

Version 2.0
– Unified all sections into the single styled library
– Added a live preview for every single section
– Added new detailed written and video tutorials
– Improved the overall organization and performance
– Rebuilt 200+ sections from scratch using more efficient techniqes
– Restyled 350+ sections for better global styling
– Rebuilt the Global Color settings for each section
– Reduced the number of sections, focusing on quality over quantity
– Reduced the number of custom classes used by 35%
– Improved the performance of the Library Site Template
– Starter template now comes with only core classes
– Improved mobile optimiziation for all sections
– Improved SEO optimiziation for all sections
– Improved the speed of installation and updating process
– Improved the Global Radius implementation
– Improved the typography for alerts, placeholders, and other text
– Switched to universally available Helvetica font as default
– 800+ small bug fixes and improvements

Blocs Master Membership

Become a Blocs Master member to download this and all other products we create for the Blocs app, including 65+ premium templates, high-quality video courses, custom blocs pakcs, detailed masterclass tutorials, and more.

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Product details

  • Blocs 5 Minimum
  • 28th March 2023
  • Bootstrap 5
  • 28th May 2024
  • 2.0
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Blocs Master

Blocs Developer

Member for 5 years

Last Seen: 59 Days Ago

Location: Patagonia