Card Slider

Card Slider is a responsive 3D card-style slider that makes images into 3D and animate them. Up to 8 slides can be used, supporting images in landscape and portrait format. Card Slider can be customized with just a few clilcks, no code needed ever: effects in and out, autoplay with selectable speed, navigation arrows with dots, links and colors.

From version 2.0 we have the option to add our own content and brics to the slider.

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Alex 7/4/2021

1= in resolution MD, SM (768-577) and XS (576-0) the images in card brix becomes semi-transparent and I can't change this 2-Fly effect does not work in google chrome, opera browsers in the resolution n resolution MD, SM, XS - NOT work ALL android phones 3- You can use ONLY one Card Slider per page, two (or more) on the same page NOT work properly.

Archetypon 25/05/21

For support please send a message to

Alex 7/4/2021

1= in resolution MD, SM (768-577) and XS (576-0) the images in card brix becomes semi-transparent and I can't change this 2-Fly effect does not work in google chrome, opera browsers in the resolution n resolution MD, SM (768-577) and XS (576-0) ALL android phones 3- You can use ONLY one Card Slider per page, two (or more) on the same page NOT work properly.

Pealco 29/11/2020

Does this one work in B4 or B4 plus?

Archetypon 30/11/20

Yes Card is compatible with Blocs 4 and Blocs 4 Plus.

ELFOUAD 12/5/2020

I bought this item in Mon Jun 17 8:54:39 GMT-0400 2019 and now I can't download it again from the link sent in the email?? This is my order number : 0012378563 There's no way to contact you via your website so that's why I'm writing to you here.

Archetypon 13/05/20

Please send me a message to

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Product details

  • Blocs 5 Minimum
  • 3rd April 2019
  • 30th April 2024
  • 2.0.1
Buy Card Slider€50 Live Preview View

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