Easy Burger

Give the burger some love on Sidebar and Fullscreen menus

Made for Blocs 4 – Easy Burger replaces the standard toggle for an easy to style Font Awesome icon.

Easy Burger Ingredients

  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Custom Text
  • Text Only
  • Icon and Text size
  • Normal and hover state colours
  • Transition between states
  • Background colours
  • Drop shadow
  • Background padding and radius
  • Borders
  • Close icon colour and thickness
  • Offset the Sidebar Navigation Menu
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Sandy 22/1/2021

Very nice job Pete, easy to use and super price!

Blocs Builder 22/01/21

Thank you Sandy.

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Product details

  • Blocs 4 Minimum
  • 20th January 2021
  • Bootstrap 4 & 5
  • 28th May 2024
  • 1.3.0
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Blocs Builder

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