Add animated particle backgrounds to any Bloc in your site with this super handy custom Bric. Easy to use controls let you customize the number of particles, their colours, speed and size.
Can only be used on a single Bloc per page, ideally suited to the hero section of a site. It is limited to a single use per page as it can be processor intensive.
You can preview the particle effect here.
Great effect, but when I create a hero and the add the effect the menu docent work (not clickable), any solution for that :)
Thanks for the heads up, that has now been fixed in V1.0.1
Trusted Seller Blocs Developer
Last Seen: 11 Days Ago
Location: UK
max 3/3/2021
Very cool plugin. Thank you. I have several questions: 1. Is there an option to apply twice the plugin? (like on same page but different blocs) 2. May there will be layers on over another? (like two colors) Sorry if I want too much, I'm not familiar with complicity of programming such effects. Max