Creator Bundle – Essentials

Essentials Bundle

Creator Bundles by Blocs Builder

Offcanvas Helper 2 – more info
The number one tool for creating Offcanvas menus in Blocs. Are you looking to create an eye-catching and stunning sidebar or mega menus? Look no further than Offcanvas Helper! This helpful tool seamlessly brings together brics and blocs, giving you full access to the Blocs’ design canvas and features. Let your creativity run wild and see just how amazing your designs can be!

Flexy Foot – more info
Flexy Foot 2 offers you the flexibility to choose between two footer styles – Classic and Reveal, once your preference is selected, Flexy Foot 2 will take care of the rest.  Reveal, takes it even further and detects if your footer is too large for the screen, and dynamically switches to the Classic style, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for your users. Now that’s what we call smart and hassle-free!

VH Helper – more info
Unlock your creative freedom while upholding SEO best practices with VH Helper. VH Helper is a unique tool tailored specifically for Blocs users. It integrates Bootstrap 5’s visually hidden helper classes into your design canvas in a non-destructive, visual way. This ensures your website maintains SEO best practices without sacrificing your creative design.

Easy Copyright – more info
Looking for a hassle-free way to add copyright information to your website? Look no further than Easy Copyright. This set-and-forget tool is a no-brainer addition to your collection. Easy to use, it makes adding copyright information to your site simpler than ever before.

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Product details

  • Blocs 5 Minimum
  • 2nd February 2024
  • Bootstrap 5
  • 1st March 2024
  • 1.0.0
Buy Creator Bundle – Essentials$58
Blocs Builder

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Location: New Zealand